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Article Index

33 Results: Office Management

Law Practice Preparedness Plan in the Event of an Unforeseen Closure

The suggested Law Practice Preparedness Plan is hoped to minimise the risk to your law practice during the nation’s Movement Control Order[1] due to Covid-19 that will take effect starting 18 Mar until 31 Mar 2020.    In preparation...

Case Study: What Every Sole Proprietor Should Know About Their Practice

For lawyers, it is trite law that a deceased can be sued via the administrators of the estate.  For a lawyer practising as a sole proprietor (“SP”), this has even greater implications.  The case study below demonstrates how f...

Misconduct Claims

Disclaimer: This extract was taken from the article ‘An Explanation of Some of the Main Terms of the 2013 Certificate of Insurance’ which was published in JURISK! March 2013.  The information herein has been edited to reflect the ...

Billing & Collection

Billing Tracking and billing time to clients is an important and inevitable part of working in a law firm.  Now more than ever, billing and collection are processes that practitioners must master if they are to manage their practices effe...

Quality Matters

There is a myriad of books on quality management for various professions including the legal profession.  Accordingly, this article does not set out to provide a one-fits-all solution but a highlight the benefits of implementing a Quality Man...

Closed Files: How Long Should I Keep Them For?

In our previous issue, we discussed file closure in "Case Closed: What Do I Do With the File Now?".  We now move on to consider file retention, an important aspect of file management that should go hand in hand with any operating pr...

How To Manage Your Files Effectively Without Breaking The Bank

It is a common perception that a large sum of money is required to achieve a good file management system.  In truth, a certain degree of creativity and perseverance is all it takes to first create a system, and to then maintain it.  Prob...

Case Closed: What Do I Do With The File Now?

Whilst most lawyers do not expect it when they begin their careers; documents (and paperwork) tend to dominate most law firms.  In a 2003 survey conducted by the American Bar Association, lawyers reported that one of their greatest disappointmen...

Files (Mis) Management

A good file management system is essential in any legal practice whether it be a small or large practice.  Lost, stolen and irreversibly damaged files often lead to disgruntled clients who, when unhappy with the service they've received, ...

Partnerships of (In)convenience: You’re Liable Too

Partnership/pahrt-ner-ship/ (noun): The relation which subsists between persons carrying on business in common with a view of profit.[1] In West Malaysia, there are 5,786[2] law firms in operation, 48.75% are partnerships. Of...

Client Confidentiality: Should I Handcuff My Laptop to My Wrist?

If you’re constantly on the go, the information you store in your laptop (or PDA) is as valuable (sometimes more so) than the computer itself.    An American Survey in 2006 showed that 15 million people lost sensitive data (inc...

It's Not Easy Being Green...

Emerging Trends In an April 2010 survey by Ceres,[1] it was found that the majority of corporate risk managers are aware of and concerned about at least some aspect of climate risk. In fact, they considered regulatory, physical, competitive, and l...

6 Important Things A Lawyer Can Do To Help The Environment

(‘Green’ is in and since we tend to spend huge chunks of our lives in the office, the article will give you an idea of what going ‘Green’ is all about.)   Be PC Savvy Switch Off! Conserve Energy ...

Forgery of Cheques

HOW TO REDUCE RISK OF FORGERY OF CHEQUES? Ask yourself these 10 questions about your firm's financial and accounting practices. Do you or your partners: Regularly ask for status reports from your accounts staff? Exercise ...

The Irrelevance Of Climate Risks To Your Firm

Setting the Scene Managing risks, increasing profitability and going `green' - Objectives that can converge to help your firm be more successful or is that simply wishful thinking?   On the surface it would seem that the above obj...

Risk Manage To Position Your Firm For What's To Come

Beyond Survival As we navigate through what many are calling the worst economic recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s, law firms would not have been spared the widespread impact of the current economic crisis.   Whilst sur...

Fraud… Are You Next?

“No, it won’t happen to my firm! We’re always careful…”   A common statement when reading articles of this nature.  Nevertheless, news headlines of recent months forecast a challenging year ahead - rece...

Managing Succession Risks

The Risk & Their Implications Succession risk is perhaps more salient for companies in today's economy, with the need for sound leadership and business continuity taking on increasing importance.   Mukesh and Anil Ambani's...

The Dreaded C - Conflict of Interest: The Essentials

In this final instalment of The Dreaded C - Conflict of Interest' series, focus will shift to the essentials of a conflict system, they are applicable whether you maintain a record book or a computerised system.  Essentials Of A Confl...

Employee Fraud: How to Spot A Potential ‘Thief'...

Record-setting fuel prices, inflation, world recession and commodity shortages which have financial impact on our day-to-day living are common headlines in newspapers today.  During such times statistics reveal a sharp increase in employee fr...

Displaying results 1-20 (of 33)
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