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Role of Bar Council

Role of PII Committee
The Bar Council PII Committee is responsible to study and review the efficiency of the current mandatory PII Scheme and negotiate new and better terms to make the Scheme more equitable across the board.  The PII Committee is committed to improving the Scheme, to maintain its sustainability and affordability, and to provide comprehensive coverage for Members of the Bar.

A quick summary of the role of the PII Committee: 
  • Oversees the PII Scheme and the broker's services in general;
  • Together with the Broker, negotiates with the Insurer for better terms and policy coverage;
  • Develop policies and guidelines pertaining to the PII Scheme; and
  • Develop risk management programmes to complement the PII Scheme.

Role of Bar Council PII & Risk Management Department

In 2007 when the Scheme was revamped, the PII and Risk Management Department was set up to assist the PII Committee with its activities and as a platform for Members to get information on PII and risk management.
In summary, the PII & Risk Management Department is responsible for the following:
  • Support the PII Committee's objectives;
  • Implement the PII Committee's policies and programmes;
  • Create awareness and develop risk management tools; and
  • Attend to queries on PII and risk management for the legal profession.