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Aon Insurance Brokers (2025)
     + 603-2773 7059
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Online Renewal for the Mandatory PII

Online Renewal for the 2025 Mandatory PII 

Before you proceed to enter the details for the renewal of your 2025 Mandatory PII: 

  • Please check that your browser supports the Aon Insurance Portal.

  • Please keep the listed information ready before proceeding. 

  • Download or view the User Guide for the online renewal of the 2025 Mandatory PII here.

  • Download or view Aon’s Privacy Notice in relation to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("PDPA") by clicking here.  
Once you have submitted your application online, you will receive an acknowledgement from Aon within 3 working days.

Note: Please ensure that the section on "Claims Experience" is accurately completed to reflect the updated information relating to your previous claim notification (if any).
Aon Insurance Brokers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
196701000602 (7544-A)
Level 10, Tower 3, Avenue 7

The Horizon, Bangsar South
No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi
59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Tel: 03-2773 7059
After you select “Click here to start”, an “Aon Sign In” page will appear on your screen.
1. Please key in your firm’s email address that has been registered with Aon;
2. Click “Next” and follow the instructions provided.
3. For assistance, please call 03-2773 7059 or email us at 
malaysianbar@aon.com with the following details for us to be able to assist you::
  1. Email title: Problems signing /logging in to the Aon Insurance Portal;
  2. Name of Law Firm;
  3. Name of Person-in-charge and designation; and
  4. Telephone number.