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6 Important Things A Lawyer Can Do To Help The Environment

(‘Green’ is in and since we tend to spend huge chunks of our lives in the office, the article will give you an idea of what going ‘Green’ is all about.)
Be PC Savvy
Switch Off!
Conserve Energy
Go Natural
Reduce Emissions
Cycle to Work…
Hug a Tree
Go paper-LESS
Hug another Tree
Print Smart
Reduce Waste
Your computer may be your lifeline at work but it doesn’t need to be switched on 24/7! Work using natural light where possible. We’re kidding!  Unless you live within a 5 km radius of work, carpooling is best. The legal profession uses huge amounts of paper. If printing is inevitable, PRINT WISELY and recycle paper. Get recycling bins for your firm.
Shut down your PC when you head out for meetings, lunch or home. Switch off some or all unneeded office lights. Studies show that carpooling can reduce stress! Make a change now: send emails, review documents on-screen, invest in a good document management system. Print on both sides. Encourage staff to recycle used plastic, toners, paper, aluminium cans etc.
Saves energy.
Cuts down electricity bills.
Use low-wattage high efficiency light bulbs. Preserves our ozone layer.
You’ll be happier and healthier.
Saves trees!
Reduces costs to store, manage, move & protect your files.
Use all misprints as your notepaper. Less thrash, less landfills.
Boost staff morale.
Set your PC to “Hibernate” or “Sleep”.  It powers down your monitor to about 5 watts of energy and your PC to 2.3 watts. Reduce CO2 greenhouse gas emissions.
Saves money!
The average Malaysian spends a staggering 2 ½ days in traffic jams every month.  This translates to one month of our daily lives every year! 500 sheets of paper (1 ream) uses 6% of a tree.  So, if you reduce your usage by just 17 reams a month, you will save 12 trees every year! Animals get to keep their habitats!
Lower overheads for the firm.
Organise a gotong-royong for the office.  Donate old binders, books and magazines.  Electronics can also be recycled at any best buy.
  Studies done in America show that artificial lighting consumes some 40% of electricity in a typical office building.     One species is pushed to the brink of extinction every 20 minutes.  So print smart and use recycled paper.  
Think Green Go Green!
Preserve resources for future generations.
Persuade your firm’s partners to adopt at least one of these environmentally friendly (and cost-effective) policies!
* The Jurisk! team bears no liability/responsibility for any inaccuracies in information/statistics stated in this article or any loss arising from implementing the above steps.
Reference websites: