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Article Index

Articles by Practice Area: Conveyancing

Land Fraud — How Lawyers Can Protect Their Clients (and Themselves)

Whilst land fraud is by no means a recent occurrence[1], the number of such cases has increased exponentially over the last 20 years[2].  This significant rise could, perhaps in no small part, be attributed to the computerisation of the land reg...

Alert | Engaging Beyond Handshakes

Every single client-solicitor relationship you enter without a Letter of Engagement is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.  Issuing a Letter of Engagement at the start of every client-solicitor relationship is essential.  The Advocate...

Restrictive Covenants — Valid or Invalid in a Torrens System?

Introduction   Restrictive covenants are often used by developers as a tool to regulate and control a development, where it generally sets out the rights and obligations of property owners on what they can or cannot do on their piece of land w...

Managing Clients – A Lawyer’s Perspective

People shy away from certain areas but the truth is no matter how much you research on the internet, there is really no substitute for experience when it comes to dealing with clients.  And without them, who can we bill eh! Kipling alway...

Data Digital & Cyber Risks - Is Your Law Firm Sufficiently Protected?

How does your Professional Indemnity Insurance (“PII”) protect these evolving risks?   Law firms, like all businesses, are operating in and relying upon technology in an increasingly hostile digital landscape.  With the g...

Contract Review and Risk Management

What is the correlation between contract review and risk management?    Contract review including drafting, is one of the main and inevitable job scopes of a corporate legal practitioner or an in-house legal counsel (“Legal Counsel&...

Frauds and Scams — Increasing Awareness

There are various terms used around information security.  Cyber security, for example, may sound like the stuff of science fiction or, to some, the stuff of scaremongering or sales pitches.  Whatever terms are used, the objectives are esse...

Be Awake or Be Awakened

A law firm can come into being in compliance with the Legal Profession Act 1976. As a sole proprietorship.  As a partnership. And in near future even as a Limited Liability Partnership-Incorporated.   Partnership practice often comes...

Stakeholder Duty – What it is and what does it impose on you?

The word “stake” is in common parlance used to apply to any money to be disposed of, in accordance with what may happen in future, and whoever is in possession of the money is often described as a stakeholder.   Lawyers are frequen...

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Legal risk is unavoidable as lawyers do make mistakes from time to time.  Therefore, taking pre-emptive measures will help to prevent any potential claims or legal disputes from errors or omissions made by the legal practice.  Proactiv...

Essential Steps When Closing Your Law Firm

There could be various reasons to close a law practice.  Maybe you are a sole practitioner joining another law practice as a partner or have decided to cease practice to become an in-house legal officer or maybe you have decided it’s time ...

Buying Property at an Auction

Auction properties are usually auctioned off at a very attractive price. Readers will notice that the phrase used is “auctioned off” and not “sold”.   Is there a difference? Yes, there is.   Auction is a process ...

What is Considered as Good Risk Management in Conveyancing Practice?

Risk management co-relates to the standard of care exercised by a solicitor in the discharge of his duties.    In determining whether a firm has implemented an effective risk management program, the Insurer must be satisfied tha...

External Fraud and Scams

Sadly, we are all exposed to frauds and scams in our business and personal lives.  On a UK website, ActionFraud, lists a large number of types of frauds and scams which have afflicted businesses of every type, including the following:  &nb...

Legal Fees – To Be Pre-Agreed or Not? That is the Question.

First and foremost, let’s get something straight – claims against your legal practice over a dispute solely on legal fees (in most general situations) are excluded under the Malaysian Bar Professional Indemnity Insurance ("PII")...

Frauds and Scams — Increasing Awareness

Many of us, and many businesses, have a tendency to under-estimate the risk of being affected by fraud.  The unfortunate reality is that more and more of us are being affected personally, whether by identity theft, cloning of a credit card, or a...

The AMLA For You And For Me

Investigation and prosecution against advocates & solicitors under the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (“AMLA”) is growing by the day.  Charges and punishments under...

Case Study: Am I Really A Partner Here?

Joffrey and Theon were the partners of Messrs Baratheon & Associates, the Insured Practice (“IP”). When Theon joined the partnership, there was no partnership agreement executed between the two. Instead, they mutually agreed to a ver...

Case Study: But I Have Known Him For Years!

Michael decided to set up his own law partnership known as Messrs Bluth & Finke, the Insured Practice (“IP”) with his long-time friend, Lindsay. Michael managed the main office in Petaling Jaya while Lindsay managed the Firm’s b...

Case Study: But We Are No Longer Together!

Emily and Victoria were the founding partners of Messrs Grayson & Co, the Insured Practice (“IP”). After some time in the partnership, there were some disagreements about the Firm’s business plan, eventually driving a wedge bet...

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