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Top 17 Social Networking Don'ts


  1. You hate your job, or company, or boss or colleagues, and want to leave.  You might get your wish involuntarily.
  2. You’ve done something stupid or worse illegal.
  3. You are planning to take sick leave.
  4. You are planning to not return to work after court or a client meeting.
  5. You’re working on a high profile case and you think your client is guilty!
  6. Blow by blow account of your meeting with an unreasonable client you’re representing.
  7. The silly case your senior is making you work whilst s/he socialises with the boss.
  8. Your colleagues’ antics and politicking at work.
  9. You are having (or thinking of having) an affair with your boss or colleague.
  10. What you’re doing and where you are every second of the day – it tells your employers you’re not really hard at work as you say.


  1. Your personal information including your home address.
  2. Passwords and password clues eg your mother’s maiden name, your favourite song etc.
  3. You are off on holiday; the dates you are away on holiday.


  1. In various states of undress.
  2. Doing something silly…  not good for personal branding.
  3. Inebriated or with a hand placed where it shouldn’t be.
  4. Doing something or an event that reveals that you were not sick that day you took medical leave.
You never know who is looking at your status updates, so don’t put yourself at risk.  Limit the information that you share on your social network page.