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Mediation Clause (Circular No 319/2020)

Circular No 319/2020 
Dated 29 Sept 2020

To Members of the Malaysian Bar

Mediation Clause

The Bar Council Mediation Committee has developed a mediation clause in both English and Bahasa Malaysia.  The Mediation Committee would like to encourage Members of the Bar to include this Mediation Clause in their agreements.

Settlement of Disputes — Mediation

If a dispute or difference of whatsoever kind shall arise between the Parties in connection with or arising out of the Contract including any dispute or difference as to any opinion, instruction, determination, decision, certificate or valuation, it shall, prior to being referred to any other form of dispute resolution including arbitration and/or litigation, be referred by either party to mediation at the Malaysian Mediation Centre of the Bar Council (“MMC”).

(i)         Either party may give notice to the other party of his intention to refer the matter to Mediation (“Request for Mediation”).

(ii)        Upon the service of a Request for Mediation, the dispute or difference shall be subjected to mediation between the parties in accordance with the Rules for Mediation of MMC in effect at the commencement of the Mediation.

(iii)       Upon the dispute or difference being resolved in Mediation, such resolution shall be recorded in a settlement agreement and the parties shall give effect to this agreement accordingly.

(iv)       If by reason of complying with the mediation clause a party’s claim may be time-barred under any provision of the Limitation Act 1953 or any other legislation which imposes a time limit for bringing an action, a party may commence proceedings without complying with the same provided always that such party shall not object in the event the other party seeks to stay the whole or part of the proceedings for purposes of mediation.

Penyelesaian Pertikaian — Mediasi

Sekiranya berlaku/timbul pertikaian atau perselisihan di dalam apa jua bentuk di antara pihak-pihak yang  berkenaan mengenai apa-apa pendapat, arahan, penamatan, keputusan, perakuan atau penilaian yang timbul akibat daripada Kontrak, pertikaian atau perselisihan tersebut hendaklah, sebelum dirujuk kepada sebarang bentuk penyelesaian pertikaian yang lain termasuk timbang tara dan/atau litigasi, pihak-pihak hendaklah merujuk kepada proses mediasi di Pusat Mediasi Malaysia di bawah Majlis Peguam Malaysia (Malaysian Mediation Centre of the Bar Council) (“MMC”).

(i) Mana-mana pihak boleh memberi notis kepada pihak yang satu lagi mengenai niat untuk merujuk perkara tersebut kepada Proses Mediasi ("Permintaan untuk Mediasi").

(ii) Apabila Permintaan untuk Mediasi diterima/diserahkan, pertikaian atau perselisihan hendaklah tertakluk kepada proses mediasi di antara kedua-dua pihak. Proses mediasi hendaklah selaras dengan Peraturan-peraturan Mediasi di Pusat Mediasi Malaysia.

(iii) Apabila pertikaian atau perselisihan diselesaikan melalui Proses Mediasi, resolusi penyelesaian hendaklah direkodkan di dalam satu perjanjian penyelesaian dan pihak-pihak akan melaksanakan terma-terma perjanjian tersebut dengan sewajarnya.

(iv) Sekiranya pematuhan kepada klausa mediasi menyebabkan tuntutan sesuatu pihak dihalang oleh peruntukan had masa menurut Akta Had Masa 1953 ataupun apa-apa perundangan yang lain yang menentukan had masa untuk membawa sebarang tuntutan, maka pihak tersebut boleh memulakan prosiding tanpa mematuhi klausa ini dengan syarat bahawa pihak tersebut tidak akan membantah sekiranya pihak yang lain memohon untuk menggantung keseluruhan ataupun sebahagian daripada prosiding berkenaan untuk tujuan mediasi.


Thank you.

Abdul Fareed Abdul Gafoor and Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari 
Mediation Committee